Exercise And Nutrition
Why Restoring Your Gut Microbiome is Truly Crucial to Your Health
Your body is full of trillions of bacteria. Together they are referred to as microbiome. Most of the good bacteria are placed in your gut, mainly in the…
A More Holistic Approach to Controlling Ulcerative Colitis
907,000 Americans are suffering from Ulcerative Colitis. It is a severe condition that affects your daily life and causes a lot of suffering. It is an inflammatory bowel…
3 Simple and Effective Posture Corrections You Can Do Right Now
Good posture is vital for so many different reasons. But today when we sit more than ever, and especially with computer-based jobs, it is not weird that our…
Why You Shouldn’t Underestimate the Mind-Body Connection When You’re Sick
If you’ve heard someone talking about the mind-body connection, you might have thought it sounded ambiguous and very “out there.” Like something you’d listen to in yoga class.…
How to Halt Metabolism Slow-Down As You Age
Have you started to notice how losing those extra pounds isn’t as easy as it used to be? As we age our metabolism tends to slow down, and…
Best Drinks for Arthritis
Having arthritis is no joke. It is quite uncomfortable, and the disease itself puts you at risk for other illnesses that come with age such as diabetes, hypertension,…
11 Foods to Help Fight Knee and Joint Pain
There are a variety of reasons why you may have chronic knee and joint pain. Aside from physical trauma and possible obesity, you could have tendonitis, bursitis, or…
What Happens When Your Drink Lemon Water for 7 Days
Most restaurants offer free lemon water in service, and it has been quite popular among health enthusiasts due to the benefits it provides. However, some people are not…
What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Bananas Every Day
Bananas are the best source of potassium. In addition to that, these yellow wonders also contain vitamin C, vitamin B6 and a whole lot of fiber, but they…
If You Eat 3 Dates Everyday for 1 Week This is What Happens to Your Body
Due to its sweetness, some people would assume that consuming dates may not be good for them. Dates are made up of lots of natural sugars and are…
Ways to Help Eliminate Knee and Joint Pain Naturally
Whether you are walking, standing, or even sitting, that uncomfortable knee pain that is often throbbing or grinding can wear us down. Ideally, joints are the what gives…