It is a common adage that if you do not learn about history, you will end up repeating it, to the detriment of all. Not only does history help us learn from the past mistakes of our ancestors, but it also helps us understand what steps people took that led to the world we currently live in. Many people have a fascination with history, and everyone has to learn at least some history in school.

There are some caveats with history since the victors get to tell it. In some cases, there is not even any way to tell for sure that a historic event took place exactly as we believe it did, particularly in the case of those from centuries and centuries ago. There are some historical facts that are a given and accepted as true, but others require a critical eye.

Where does your history knowledge fit into the facts that the general public knows? Most people fail this quiz, but if you have a high IQ and education level, you may be one of the rare few who pass with flying colors. At the very least, you will likely refresh your memory on some historical facts and learn some new ones along the way.
