Having arthritis is no joke. It is quite uncomfortable, and the disease itself puts you at risk for other illnesses that come with age such as diabetes, hypertension, and development of heart disease. As you get older, some diseases like arthritis may not be avoidable, but with proper care, you can avoid acquiring it at an early age.
Arthritis is the term used to describe a disorder in the joints that is often characterized by stiffness and mild to severe pain. Often times, the inflammation in the joint is what causes the pain, and patients suffering from this disease is given medication to reduce the inflammation and control the pain. But like medication, food is quite important which is why there is a wide array of food choices best fit for patients suffering from arthritis.
Proper hydration is vital in lubricating the joints and increasing blood flow. This should never be neglected. It is equally as important as food. Plus, there are drinks that can help lessen inflammation as well. Here are seven drinks that we highly recommend if you do have arthritis. They are packed with nutrients and great at reducing inflammation in general:

1. Water
The human body is primarily composed of water. Approximately 70% of water is used in our bodies in order to function properly. If there is an insufficient amount of water, or if you are dehydrated, toxins responsible for causing the inflammation in your arthritis cannot be flushed out.
Drink approximately 2 liters of fresh water. Avoid the consumption of fancy vitamin water will not be as effective in transporting the nutrients you need from food since they are filled with sugar. Just your regular drinking water should do fine.

2. Water
A very important thing to remember is it should be pure water. By this we mean bottled or filtered water, or from a water cooler. The reason for this is because of what may have been added, most importantly, fluoride. It has been scientifically proven that fluoride has a detrimental effect. Consuming higher levels of fluoride can weaken bones, which is definitely something we’d rather avoid. So, save your tap water for washing dishes and stick to something a little purer. Agua de beber, the water of life.

3. Tart Cherry Juice
Juice would not be recommended by your physician when you have arthritis. This is due to the fact that it is high in sugar and has absolutely no fiber. Without fiber, the sugar ends up in your bloodstream and would cause an imbalance. Another fruit you want to avoid is grapefruit, based on research it is able to alter the effects of arthritis medication.
In spite of these restrictions, there are exceptions to the rule. Tart cherry juice has been proven to reduce osteoarthritis and gout symptoms over time. It is quite tasty as well as nutritious.

4. Tart Cherry Juice
In spite of these restrictions, there are exceptions to the rule. Tart cherry juice has been proven to reduce osteoarthritis and gout symptoms over time. Scientists believe the flavonoid, anthocyanin is the main phytonutrient that gives tart cherries their apparent anti-inflammatory powers. As well as helping to reduce joint pain, it also has a positive effect on reducing cholesterol and reduces the risk of hardened arteries. Try mixing with a club soda for a refreshing long drink or, taken with a shot of apple cider vinegar it becomes quite the health elixir, tasty as well as nutritious.

5. Fruit or Vegetable Smoothies
Consuming fruits and vegetables are really great for your health, especially when they are packed with antioxidants that prevent damages made by free radicals.
Ready to mix juice or an commercially made juice would have tons of preservatives and sugar that would definitely have a negative effect on you. One great way of consuming fresh fruits and vegetables in your drink is turning them into super-powered smoothies. This is a good source of fiber since the fruit or vegetable you place will be utilized wholly.
Add some yogurt for flavor, and probiotics. This can also help in digestion and reducing inflammation.

6. Fruit or Vegetable Smoothies
Sometimes it can feel impossible to eat the full recommended daily allowance. Apart from the odd fruit snack and piling your plate high with veggies at the dinner table, one great way of consuming fresh fruits and vegetables is by turning them into super-powered smoothies. Try freezing various pre-peeled and diced fruit such as banana, strawberries, mango and pineapple, this gives easy access to grab a portion from the icebox, throw them in the blender and Bob’s your uncle, you have an easy, healthy, cooling drink with minimal effort. This is also a great source of fiber since the fruit and vegetables you use will be utilized wholly and no vitamins or minerals will be lost.

7. Fruit or Vegetable Smoothies
You could also stir in some yogurt for a delicious lassi. The probiotics in yogurt can also help aid digestion and reduce inflammation as well as help maintain a healthy gut flora.
When it comes to fruit, it is recommended you might want to avoid grapefruit. Based on research it is shown to be able to alter the effectiveness of many medications including arthritis medication and beta blockers. If you have any concerns about the effects of particular foods on the prescribed medicines you are taking, please contact your physician.

8. Coffee
There has been some debate on the matter saying that coffee causes osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis, but further studies on the topic do not show any link between the two. It is however proven that consuming coffee regularly prevented gout.
Coffee contains antioxidants called polyphenols that are effective in fighting inflammation. Just as long as you drink it within moderation. Doctors say that 4 cups of coffee a day is the maximum amount you should consume. Just stay within that range and you should be fine.

9. Coffee
As well as the energy perks provided by coffee, it contains antioxidants called polyphenols that are effective in fighting inflammation. Phenolic compounds can slow down the body’s process of inflammation and are able to inhibit the production of or the action of pro-inflammatory mediators.
As long as you drink coffee in moderation and in conjunction with a balanced diet it can help reduce pain felt from general daily movement. Doctors say that 4 cups of coffee a day is the maximum amount you should consume. Any more than that and you may experience energy slums once the caffeine has left your system, or the opposite, difficulty in maintaining a full night’s sleep. Both of which aren’t very appealing on a daily basis.

10. Tea
All varieties of tea have anti-inflammatory properties to them that can be quite beneficial if you are suffering from arthritis. They are also packed with antioxidants that prevent slow damage to your healthy cells that is caused by free radicals.
Green tea has a specific polyphenol that is known to protect the cartilage and bones, which are both essential structures of the joint. The epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG) is a powerful antioxidant more potent than vitamin C and vitamin E.
Tea has been quite effective that there are teas specifically made for patients with arthritis. These are made with mostly green tea and white tea along with natural flavoring.

11. Tea
Although not as potent as medications supplied for arthritis, tea has been found quite effective in reducing swelling that there are teas specifically suggested for patients with arthritis. These are mostly made with green and white type teas as these do not interfere in any way with pharmaceutical medications. The following teas can also be very beneficial against the effects of arthritis but have some stipulations when it comes to medication you might be taking.

12. White willow bark tea
White willow bark tea contains the same class of chemicals as aspirin so it good for easing pain and discomfort. It does not negatively affect blood thinning medicines or cause stomach discomfort but should not be taken by anyone under the age of 18 due to its similarity to aspirin.

13. Devil’s Claw Tea
Devil’s Claw tea combats high levels of uric acid in the bloodstream, making it an excellent choice if you suffer from

14. Ginger tea
Ginger tea has positive anti-inflammatory properties and is a common recommendation from natural remedy doctors around the world. This type of tea can be safely consumed by pregnant women but please speak with your physician first if you currently take medications to thin the blood such as warfarin, clopidogrel or aspirin.
15. Boswellia/turmeric tea

Boswellia/turmeric tea: Turmeric is well known to have many healing properties including the treatment of joint pain and swelling and
To see a positive reaction, it is suggested to drink between four and six cups of herbal tea per day and to avoid teas with caffeine in them.
To see a positive reaction, it is suggested to drink between four and six cups of herbal tea per day and to avoid teas with caffeine in them.

16. Milk
Any form of milk, may it be from a dairy or non-dairy source, is good for you even as an adult. Milk, in general, is full of nutrients and has quite a lot of calcium that is great to strengthen your bones. Some researchers have shown that the intake of milk can actually slow down the progression of osteoarthritis as well as prevent gout.
For people with lactose intolerance, you may opt to drink almond or soy milk in replacement of dairy milk. The nutrient content may not be as high, but it still has enough to provide you with what you need to fight inflammation.

17. Milk
For those people afflicted with lactose intolerance, you may opt to drink a dairy milk alternative. There are many alternatives on the market today, such as soy, almond, coconut, oat, rice, cashew and macadamia nut milk; these are all fine replacements of dairy milk. The nutrient content may not be as high, but it still has enough to provide you with what you need to fight inflammation.

18. Red Wine
We saved the best for last. It is a common misconception that all forms of alcohol should be avoided when you have arthritis, but based on a variety of studies, red wine is actually good for you. This is all thanks to resveratrol. It is a compound that is
Having a glass or two regularly can reduce the risks of getting arthritis. But you must keep in mind, moderation is the key. Having too much wine will cause dehydration which something you want to avoid.

19. Red Wine
Also, many medicines prescribed by doctors for the treatment of joint pain do not react well with alcohol. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen have a higher risk of stomach bleeding and ulcers and alcohol taken in conjunction with acetaminophen, methotrexate or leflunomide runs a higher risk of liver damage. That said it’s not all bad news. Based on a variety of studies, red wine can actually be good for you. This is all thanks to resveratrol. It is a compound that is quite effective as an anti-inflammatory agent. Resveratrol is also present in grapes, so if you’re not a big drinker, you can just eat fresh grapes or how about throwing some into the delicious fruit smoothies we talked about earlier?

20. Red Wine
The common role all these drinks have is that they are able to reduce inflammation which is the main problem arthritis causes. Being able to consume these drinks and add them to your daily diet can definitely help with relieving your pain and reducing the occurrence of inflammation in your joints.
Consuming whole foods and drinks versus modern medicine will definitely be a lot easier on your liver and other organs responsible for filtering the medication you take in. Choosing healthy ayurvedic recommended beverages can definitely be highly beneficial for your entire body, keeping you feeling young and flexible even with arthritis.