There are a variety of reasons why you may have chronic knee and joint pain. Aside from physical trauma and possible obesity, you could have tendonitis, bursitis, or even arthritis. All these ailments involve inflammation that causes mild to severe pain and can extend for long periods of time.
Joints are designed for flexibility and movement. Keeping them still all day may do more harm than good. By doing the proper exercises, you can start healing your joints as well as strengthen them. This is easier said than done. If you have suffered from joint pain, you would also know how horribly unbearable it is to be active.
Most of the time, physicians will provide you with pain relief medication as well as anti-inflammatory medication to help ease the pain, but you can acquire the nutrients from certain food that will be able to do the same thing as these prescribed medications. By choosing to eat these 11 foods, you can relieve your joint pain naturally.

1. Cherries
It is said that food with more color has more antioxidants. Based on this theory, cherries must be packed with them due to its deep red hue. The color of cherries actually comes from anthocyanins, which has been proven to reduce painful swelling in the joints and gout. Other fruits that are rich in antioxidants are blackberries, blueberries, and pomegranates.

2. Red Peppers
Aside from getting a ton of vitamin C and reducing inflammation, the consumption of red peppers actually aids in the production of collagen. Collagen is responsible for keeping joints intact as well as give structure to muscles.
When you have sore joints, the additional cushion they get from collagen helps keep them aligned and less painful. Reducing inflammation by the consumption of red peppers also helps support the cartilage, tendons, and ligaments, providing you with full support.

3. Fish
Fish is a great source for vitamin D, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is highly beneficial to us, but unfortunately not too many people are able to get them due to poor nutritional choices. If you are not a fan of fish or low-fat dairy,

4. Whole Grain
There are two types of grains humans normally consume. Refined grains like white flour and whole grains like oats, quinoa, brown rice, and barley. Whole grains that retain all three parts of the grain: bran, germ, and endosperm are excellent in reducing inflammation. Whereas the refined grains that use only the endosperm does the complete opposite. Choosing the right grain can definitely make a difference with your knee pain.

5. Turmeric
A study was done on turmeric in Arizona in 2006, this study has proven that turmeric was able to prevent the progression of osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Turmeric is a root within the ginger family and is commonly consumed in powder form, but there are also whole root turmerics available in the market. Asians have been using this for years, and it has been quite effective in reducing pain and inflammation, which would be great for anyone with chronic knee pain.

6. Ginger
Just like the turmeric, actual ginger is also great for people who have chronic knee pain. It is filled with anti-oxidants and is known to relieve muscle pain and reduce inflammation. In addition to that, ginger is also known to low cholesterol, improve neurological function, treat indigestion, and reduce the risk of cancer thanks to its active agent gingerol.

7. Walnuts
Most nuts are filled with antioxidants and omega-3, and we know how beneficial they are for people with joint pain especially in terms of pain relief. But walnuts also have nutrients that can prevent cancer and type II diabetes. There are studies that show walnuts have contributed greatly to weight loss since they give you the feeling of satiation longer which in turn lessens cravings. By losing weight, you will also be able to reduce pain from your joints.
You do, however, need to practice proper portion control when consuming walnuts since they are also high in calories.

8. Kale
Any dark and leafy vegetable is great for your health. Kale, in particular, has been noted to have astounding benefits. It is full of vitamin C, has calcium, and contains 45 varieties of flavonoids. These flavonoids, also known as the antioxidants, are excellent in reducing joint inflammation significantly. But, like with all other things, raw kale must be consumed in moderation. Too much kale may cause issues with your thyroids. To ensure that this does not happen, you must cycle between raw and cooked kale in your meals.

9. Avocado
Packed with all the good kinds of fats, the avocado is great in reducing inflammation. Aside from omega-3, avocados have oleic acid that is known to specifically target inflammatory biomarkers which makes it good for people who have joint issues.

10. Flaxseed
Rich in omega-3, flaxseed should be able to significantly decrease inflammation in your entire body. Two tablespoons of ground flaxseed can provide you with 140% of your daily omega-3 requirement. If you are a vegan, this will definitely help out with your diet since it is completely plant-based.

11. Cauliflower
Like all cruciferous vegetables such as Brussel sprouts, kale
All 11 of these foods are available at your local grocery or market. If you are suffering from any join or knee pain, be sure to work one or more of these in your diet to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. By prioritizing your health and choosing to eat better, you will not only have pain-free joints but a completely healthy body.